Start ripping your DVDs and Blu-Rays to Kodi and your collection can get overwhelming fast. Happily, Kodi lets you sort movies into sets.

Sets organize movies into a collection that works almost like they were a TV series, putting each part of the series in order. It’s great for trilogies, but also for sprawling comic book universes that you’d like to re-watch in order.

How sets work is outlined on the Kodi wiki, but here’s a quick primer complete with screenshots.

Browse Your Sets

If you’ve imported a bunch of movies, you’ve probably got some sets already. You can find them on the home screen. Just look for the “Sets” option.

You’ll see a list of all the sets currently in your collection.

Pick one of these and you’ll see all the movies you’ve got in that set.

It’s a neat feature, but it’s not exactly easy to find. The good news is that you can make it more prominent.

See Sets By Default

With a quick setting tweak, sets will show by default when you browse your library. Head to Settings >Media, then to the “Videos” tab. Make sure the “Show movie sets” option is enabled.

Now, head back to your Movies library, and each set you have shows up as one entry in the list.

How to Create Your Own Sets

Kodi is pretty good about creating useful sets on its own, but sometimes you might want to sort things yourself, or even create your own sets of seemingly unrelated movies. You can do that.

Select a movie you’d like to add to a custom set (or move to a different set), and then press “c” on your keyboard. Click “Manage” on the popup menu that appears.

This brings up a new popup menu. Choose the “Manage movie set” option here.

You’ll then be able to choose which set this movie should belong to.

You can also use the “Add movie to a new set” button to the right of the existing set list to create a new set for the movie. After clicking that option, construct an appropriate name, and then assign other movies you feel belong should go there.

There’s no limit to how many sets you can make. However, movies can only be in one set at a time.