Hate the stock font on your Samsung phone? You’re in luck, because you can change it up whenever you like. They even have font packs available for download.

How to Change the Font

If you’re just looking to change the font up a bit, it’s incredibly simple. Pull down the notification shade and tap that cog icon.

Tap the “Display” option, and then tap the “Font and Screen Zoom” setting.

In this menu, you can change screen zoom and font size options, but if you scroll to the very bottom you’ll find a “Font Style” section where you can find all the available font choices on your phone. And boy are there some good ones.

But you’re not just stuck with these beauties. Oh no—there’s a whole section of available fonts to download.

How to Add New Fonts to Samsung Phones

At the bottom of the Font Style menu, tap that “Download Fonts” option and let’s see what we can find.

This throws you into the Galaxy Apps store, where you can find all the ugliest fonts Samsung has to offer. Oh, and most of them cost money. MONEY.

If you just want to see free ones, tap “Top Free” at the top. Spoiler: there aren’t many.


The real gems are under the Paid section, where you’ll find popular classics like Phat Boi and Whimsy.

Left: Phat Boi; Right: Whimsy. How do people even read these?

But hey—if you’re down with handing over $1.79  (give or take) to spruce up your font game, you do you.