My co-worker Jason is a jerk. Don’t get me wrong: I’m a big fan of his work and he’s probably the most agreeable person I could even hope to work with. But his trivia questions constantly make me feel like a moron. Even worse, the site keeps track of my failure, constantly reminding me of how many questions I’ve gotten wrong.

Being the intrepid computer geek that I am, I figured there must be a way to reset this. And there is! Your correct and incorrect answers are tracked using a cookie, which is easy enough to delete. Even better: if you’re using Chrome or Opera you can edit your score to say whatever you want.

RELATED: How to Delete Cookies in the Most Popular Web Browsers on Windows

We’ve shown you how to delete cookies in most popular web browsers on Windows and in Safari on a Mac, so we won’t rehash that here. Just head to the cookie seeings for your browser of choice and search for cookies matching Delete them.  Your score will reset to zero. (Note that this may also log you out of our discussion forum, if you’re a participant—but you can just log back in.)

Once that’s done, head to our trivia page and answer all of those previous questions correctly.

Edit Your Trivia Total to Impress Potential Dates

If you really want to take control of your trivia totals, you need Edit This Cookie, an extension for Chrome and Opera that lets you directly edit the contents of any cookie. Just install the extension, head to, and click the cookie button.

There are two fields we care about here: triviatotal and triviacorrect. Change the value for both to whatever you want, making sure “correct” isn’t higher than “total.”

Click the green checkmark when you’re done and refresh the page.

That’s right, Jason: I’m perfect. Nothing you can say will prove otherwise.